Sunday, March 22, 2009

April 3

“The inner life reveals itself not in detail, but in its spirit. . . . What is in us is found out, and it is this which most tells for good or eveil on those who know us. We are. For the most part, wholly unconscious of it, but, for that very reason, how watchful we should be to make our inner life holy, harmless, undefiled, the friend of justice, pity and peace, aspiring, true and free, so that these things may stream from us unconsciously. For when we look it in the face, it is an awful thought that we cannot prevent our real character from doing its work among men, that what we are, not what we seem, is that which is really influencing others.”


“Others are affected by what I am, and say, and do. And these others have also their sphere of influence. So that a single act of mine may spread in widening circles through a nation or humanity.”


“Heaven doth with us as we with torches do,
Not light them for ourselves.”


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