“Thy greatness makes us brave, as children are
When those they love are near.”
When those they love are near.”
“A tender child of summers three
Seeking her little bed at night,
Paused on the dark stair timidly,
‘O mother, take my hand,’ said she,
‘And then the dark will all be light.’
“We older children grope our way
From dark behind to dark before,
And only when our hands we lay,
Dear Lord, in Thine, the night is day,
And there is darkness never more.
“Reach downwards to the sunless days
Wherein our guides are blind as we,
And faith is small, and hope delays,
Take Thou the hands of prayer we raise,
And let us feel the light of Thee!”
Seeking her little bed at night,
Paused on the dark stair timidly,
‘O mother, take my hand,’ said she,
‘And then the dark will all be light.’
“We older children grope our way
From dark behind to dark before,
And only when our hands we lay,
Dear Lord, in Thine, the night is day,
And there is darkness never more.
“Reach downwards to the sunless days
Wherein our guides are blind as we,
And faith is small, and hope delays,
Take Thou the hands of prayer we raise,
And let us feel the light of Thee!”
“He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.”
S. JOHN viii 12
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