Thursday, September 23, 2010

November 19

“And when the petty troubles of life, the small difficulties that sting like gnats, the intrusions, the quarrels, the slight derangements of health, have disturbed our temper, and we are in danger of being =false to that divine charity which is the dew of life, one prayer will sweep us back to Palestine, and standing among the circle of the Apostles we shall listen to His voice: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ ‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.’ Prayer, continually lived in, makes the Presence of a holy and loving God the air which life breathes.”


“If we with earnest effort could succeed
To make our life one long connected prayer,
As lives of some perhaps have been and are,
If, never leaving Thee, we had no need
Our wandering spirits back again to lead
Into Thy presence, but continued there,
Like angels standing on the highest stair
Of the sapphire throne, this were to pray indeed.
But if distractions manifold prevail,
And if in this we must confess we fail,
Grant us to keep at least a prompt desire,
Continual readiness for prayer and praise,
An altar heaped and waiting to take fire
With the least spark, and leap into a blaze.”


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