“If we are really, and always, and equally ready to do whatsoever the King appoints, all the trials and vexations, arising from any change in His appointments, great or small, simply do not exist. If He appoints me to work there, shall I lament that I am not to work here? If He appoints me to wait indoors to-day, am I to be annoyed because I am not to work out of doors? If I meant to
write His messages this morning, shall I grumble because He sends interrupting visitors, rich or poor, to whom I am to
speak them, or ‘show kindness’ for His sake, or at least obey His command, ‘Be courteous’? If all my members are really at His disposal, why should I be put out if to-day’s appointment is some simple work for my hands or errand for my feet, instead of some seemingly more important doing of head or tongue?”
“The little worries which we meet each day
May lie as stumbling blocks across our way,
Or we may make them stepping-stones to be
Of grace, O Lord, to Thee.”